Bob Marley: Get Up Stand Up

Get Up Stand Up

Chanson de

Bob Marley, Peter Tosh

Informations sur le chanson Get Up Stand Up

Les groupes suivants ont joué cette chanson: Bob Marley, Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones et U2

Première interprétation (concert)
Bob Marley: Lyceum Ballroom, London, Royaume-Uni. 17 Juillet 1975

Dernier interprétation (concert)
U2: ANZ Stadium, Sydney, Australie. 13 Décembre 2010

Trouver en les bootlegs suivants

ArtisteTrier Croissant / DécroissantTitreTrier Croissant / DécroissantDateTrier Croissant / DécroissantCompagnieTrier Croissant / Décroissant
The Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang Soundboard 2005-2007 (Captain Acid Remaster)The Rolling Stones
A Bigger Bang Soundboard 2005-2007
Captain Acid Remaster
The Rolling Stones: A Bigger Bang Soundboard 2005-2007 (Wonderland Records)The Rolling Stones
A Bigger Bang Soundboard 2005-2007
Wonderland Records
U2: Elevate Your Mind (Ultimate Sound)U2
Elevate Your Mind
2001-03-26Ultimate Sound
U2: Elevation Tour 2001 First Night (Crystal Cat Records)U2
Elevation Tour 2001 First Night
2001-07-09Crystal Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: Get Up Stand Up (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
Get Up Stand Up
2005-09-13Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: Jammin' Side By Side (The Godfather Records)The Rolling Stones
Jammin' Side By Side
2005-10-10The Godfather Records
The Rolling Stones: Kentucky Fried Rockers (Kisses Deluxe)The Rolling Stones
Kentucky Fried Rockers
Kisses Deluxe
Bruce Springsteen: Midnight Cowboy (Dandelion)Bruce Springsteen
Midnight Cowboy
U2: North Star Over Paris (The Godfather Records)U2
North Star Over Paris
2010-09-18The Godfather Records
Bob Marley: Paris 1980 (Captain Acid Remaster)Bob Marley
Paris 1980
1980-07-03Captain Acid Remaster
The Rolling Stones: Rain Fall Down (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
Rain Fall Down
2005-10-10Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: Rock Rentschler Field 2005 (Footstomp)The Rolling Stones
Rock Rentschler Field 2005
Bob Marley: San Siro (The Godfather Records)Bob Marley
San Siro
1980-06-27The Godfather Records
U2: Shout For Joy (The Godfather Records)U2
Shout For Joy
2009-07-08The Godfather Records
Bob Marley: Uprising At Hallenstadion (The Godfather Records)Bob Marley
Uprising At Hallenstadion
1980-05-30The Godfather Records
U2: Viva Italia (The Godfather Records)U2
Viva Italia
2010-10-08The Godfather Records
Bob Marley: Wake Up & Live! (Apocalypse Sound)Bob Marley
Wake Up & Live!
1979-07-21Apocalypse Sound
Bob Marley: Welcome To New York (The Swingin' Pig)Bob Marley
Welcome To New York
1975-07-17The Swingin' Pig