Pathé-Marconi Studios

Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Trouver en les bootlegs suivants:
ArtisteTrier Croissant / DécroissantTitreTrier Croissant / DécroissantDateTrier Croissant / DécroissantCompagnieTrier Croissant / DécroissantSource
The Rolling Stones: Alternate Dirty WorkThe Rolling Stones
Alternate Dirty Work
The Rolling Stones: Tattoo Too (Rattlesnake)The Rolling Stones
Tattoo Too
The Beatles: Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2 (The Genuine Pig)The Beatles
Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2
The Genuine Pig
The Rolling Stones: Under Cover Outtakes (Rogue)The Rolling Stones
Under Cover Outtakes
The Rolling Stones: Hey Claudine - Dance Back In Jail Again (The Amazing Pig)The Rolling Stones
Hey Claudine
~ Dance Back In Jail Again
The Amazing Pig
The Rolling Stones: Hot And Wild (The Amazing Pig)The Rolling Stones
Hot And Wild
The Amazing Pig
The Beatles: Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2 (The Swingin' Pig)The Beatles
Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2
The Swingin' Pig
The Rolling Stones: Paris Outtakes Vol. I (Vigotone)The Rolling Stones
Paris Outtakes Vol. I
The Rolling Stones: Paris Outtakes Vol. II (Vigotone)The Rolling Stones
Paris Outtakes Vol. II
The Beatles: Unsurpassed Masters - Vol. 7 (1962-1969) (Yellow Dog)The Beatles
Unsurpassed Masters
~ Vol. 7 (1962-1969)
Yellow Dog
The Rolling Stones: Outtakes 1974-75 (Extremly Rare)The Rolling Stones
Outtakes 1974-75
Extremly RareStudio
The Rolling Stones: Certain Chicks (Triangle Records)The Rolling Stones
Certain Chicks
Triangle Records
The Rolling Stones: Could You Walk On The Water? (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
Could You Walk On The Water?
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: From Paris To L.A. (Yellow Cat)The Rolling Stones
From Paris To L.A.
Yellow Cat
The Rolling Stones: Hot Stuff - Volume Two: In Studio (1962-1989) (Great Dane Records)The Rolling Stones
Hot Stuff
~ Volume Two: In Studio (1962-1989)
Great Dane Records
The Rolling Stones: Honky Tonk Heaven (Save The Earth)The Rolling Stones
Honky Tonk Heaven
Save The Earth
The Rolling Stones: Lonely At The Top (The Swingin' Pig)The Rolling Stones
Lonely At The Top
The Swingin' Pig
The Rolling Stones: Twilight Zone (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
Twilight Zone
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: More Stripped (Kiss The Stone)The Rolling Stones
More Stripped
Kiss The StoneTable de mixage
The Rolling Stones: Static In The Attic (Midnight Beat)The Rolling Stones
Static In The Attic
Midnight Beat
The Rolling Stones: Get The Fuck Outta Here! - An Unique Collection Of Rare And Solo Recordings (Beev Records)The Rolling Stones
Get The Fuck Outta Here!
~ An Unique Collection Of Rare And Solo Recordings
Beev Records
The Beatles: The Alternate Hey Jude Album (Walrus Records)The Beatles
The Alternate Hey Jude Album
Walrus Records
The Rolling Stones: The Creme Of The Hot Stuff (Burlesque Music)The Rolling Stones
The Creme Of The Hot Stuff
Burlesque Music
The Rolling Stones: Get The Fuck Outta There! (Red Devil)The Rolling Stones
Get The Fuck Outta There!
Red Devil
The Rolling Stones: Lonely At The Top (Dandelion)The Rolling Stones
Lonely At The Top
The Rolling Stones: Stripped CompanionThe Rolling Stones
Stripped Companion
Table de mixage
The Rolling Stones: All Mixed Up (Rabbit Records)The Rolling Stones
All Mixed Up
Rabbit RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Fast Talking (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
Fast Talking
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: Start Us Up - The Tattoo You Sessions (Mighty Diamonds)The Rolling Stones
Start Us Up
~ The Tattoo You Sessions
Mighty Diamonds
The Rolling Stones: Closet Classics (Porky Productions)The Rolling Stones
Closet Classics
Porky Productions
The Rolling Stones: From San Francisco To Paris (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
From San Francisco To Paris
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: High Temperature (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
High Temperature
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Beatles: Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2 (Azir Records)The Beatles
Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2
Azir Records
The Rolling Stones: Girls, Pills & Powders (Pignose Records)The Rolling Stones
Girls, Pills & Powders
Pignose RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Accidents Will Happen (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
Accidents Will Happen
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: Place Pigalle (Vinyl Gang Productions)The Rolling Stones
Place Pigalle
Vinyl Gang Productions
The Rolling Stones: All Inside Our Crazy Dreams (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
All Inside Our Crazy Dreams
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: Paris Results - 2007 Remastered (Singer's Original Double Disk)The Rolling Stones
Paris Results
~ 2007 Remastered
Singer's Original Double Disk
The Rolling Stones: Through The Vaults Darkly (The Godfather Records)The Rolling Stones
Through The Vaults Darkly
The Godfather Records
The Rolling Stones: No Spare Parts - Through The Vaults Darkly Volume 2 (The Godfather Records)The Rolling Stones
No Spare Parts
~ Through The Vaults Darkly Volume 2
The Godfather Records
The Rolling Stones: The Last Time - Through The Vaults Darkly Volume 3 (The Godfather Records)The Rolling Stones
The Last Time
~ Through The Vaults Darkly Volume 3
The Godfather Records
The Rolling Stones: Raretracks+ (Singer's Original Double Disk)The Rolling Stones
(CD + DVD)
Singer's Original Double Disk
The Rolling Stones: Tattoo You - The Real Alternate Album (Red Tongue Records)The Rolling Stones
Tattoo You
~ The Real Alternate Album
(2xCD + 3xLP)
Red Tongue Records
The Beatles: Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2 (Remasters Workshop)The Beatles
Ultra Rare Trax Vol.2
Remasters WorkshopStudio
The Rolling Stones: Emotional Rescue Demos (Singer's Original Double Disk)The Rolling Stones
Emotional Rescue Demos
Singer's Original Double Disk
The Rolling Stones: Alternate Takes & Demos (1970-1979) (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Alternate Takes & Demos (1970-1979)
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: Dirty Work - Alternate Takes & Demos (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Dirty Work
~ Alternate Takes & Demos
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: Emotional Rescue - Outtakes & Demos Pt. 2 (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Emotional Rescue
~ Outtakes & Demos Pt. 2
RMP Series
The Rolling Stones: Outtakes & Demos (1982-1989) (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Outtakes & Demos (1982-1989)
RMP Series
The Rolling Stones: Some Girls - Alternate Takes (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Some Girls
~ Alternate Takes
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: Some Girls - Outtakes (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Some Girls
~ Outtakes
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: Tattoo You - Alternate Takes & Demos (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Tattoo You
~ Alternate Takes & Demos
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Original Some Girls Deluxe Takes (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
The Original Some Girls Deluxe Takes
RMP SeriesStudio
The Rolling Stones: Can't Find Love (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
Can't Find Love
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: The Complete Foxes In The Boxes (Sweet Black Angels)The Rolling Stones
The Complete Foxes In The Boxes
Sweet Black AngelsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Undercover Complete Recording Sessions (Sweet Black Angels)The Rolling Stones
Undercover Complete Recording Sessions
(5xCD + DVD)
Sweet Black AngelsStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Complete Foxes In The Boxes (Sweet Black Angels)The Rolling Stones
The Complete Foxes In The Boxes
Sweet Black AngelsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Undercover Complete Recording Sessions (Sweet Black Angels)The Rolling Stones
Undercover Complete Recording Sessions
(5xCD + DVD)
Sweet Black AngelsStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Virchov Tape (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Virchov Tape
Dog N Cat RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: All About You (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
All About You
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: Odds & Sodds (Golden Eggs)The Rolling Stones
Odds & Sodds
Golden EggsStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Incredible Art Collins Tapes - Vol.1 (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Incredible Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.1
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: The Incredible Art Collins Tapes - Vol.2 (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Incredible Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.2
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: The Incredible Art Collins Tapes - Vol.3 (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Incredible Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.3
Dog N Cat Records
The Rolling Stones: The Incredible Art Collins Tapes - Vol.4 (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Incredible Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.4
Dog N Cat RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Incredible Art Collins Tapes - Vol.5 (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
The Incredible Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.5
Dog N Cat RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Fully Finished Studio Outtakes - Volume 1-2-3 (Black Frisco Records)The Rolling Stones
Fully Finished Studio Outtakes
~ Volume 1-2-3
Black Frisco Records
The Rolling Stones: Fully Finished Studio Outtakes (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Fully Finished Studio Outtakes
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Silver Lining - 60 Dirty Licks Through The Years (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
Silver Lining
~ 60 Dirty Licks Through The Years
Dog N Cat RecordsStudio
The Rolling Stones: Girls, Pills & Powders (Captain Acid Remaster)The Rolling Stones
Girls, Pills & Powders
Captain Acid RemasterStudio
The Rolling Stones: All Mixed Up (Captain Acid Remaster)The Rolling Stones
All Mixed Up
Captain Acid RemasterStudio
The Rolling Stones: All Mixed Up (Captain Acid Remaster)The Rolling Stones
All Mixed Up
Captain Acid RemasterStudio
The Rolling Stones: Fully Finished Studio Outtakes (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Fully Finished Studio Outtakes
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Art Collins Tapes - Vol.1 (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.1
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Art Collins Tapes - Vol.2 (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.2
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Art Collins Tapes - Vol.3 (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.3
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Art Collins Tapes - Vol.4 (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.4
Acid ProjectStudio
The Rolling Stones: Art Collins Tapes - Vol.5 (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Art Collins Tapes
~ Vol.5
Acid ProjectStudio
Keith Richards: In Tune With City Jam (Captain Acid Remaster)Keith Richards
In Tune With City Jam
Captain Acid RemasterStudio
The Rolling Stones: Fully Finished Studio Outtakes - Volume 4 (Sweet Black Angels)The Rolling Stones
Fully Finished Studio Outtakes
~ Volume 4
Sweet Black AngelsStudio
The Rolling Stones: The Complete Woodstock Rehearsal TapesThe Rolling Stones
The Complete Woodstock Rehearsal Tapes
The Rolling Stones: The Complete Woodstock Tapes (Red Devil)The Rolling Stones
The Complete Woodstock Tapes
1978-05-27Red DevilStudio
The Rolling Stones: She Was Country (Rockin' Rott)The Rolling Stones
She Was Country
1982-10-15Rockin' RottStudio
The Rolling Stones: Too Much Blood (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
Too Much Blood
1982-12-01Dog N Cat RecordsStudio