Mick Jagger: Hold On To Your Hat

Hold On To Your Hat

Song by

Mick Jagger, Keith Richards

Hold On To Your Hat song facts

First and Last performance (studio recording)
The Rolling Stones: Air Studios, Monserrat, Philippines. 29th March 1989

Find it in the following bootlegs

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The Rolling Stones: For Your Precious Love (Dog N Cat Records)The Rolling Stones
For Your Precious Love
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The Rolling Stones: Monitor Mixes 1989 (Rattlesnake)The Rolling Stones
Monitor Mixes 1989
The Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels - Alternate Takes (RMP Series)The Rolling Stones
Steel Wheels
~ Alternate Takes
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The Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels Monitor Mix (Halcyon)The Rolling Stones
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The Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels Recording Session (Singer's Original Double Disk)The Rolling Stones
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The Rolling Stones: Steel Wheels Sessions (The Godfather Records)The Rolling Stones
Steel Wheels Sessions
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The Rolling Stones: Training Wheels - Steel Wheels Early Recordings (Social Graces)The Rolling Stones
Training Wheels
~ Steel Wheels Early Recordings
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The Rolling Stones: Training Wheels (Rattlesnake)The Rolling Stones
Training Wheels
The Rolling Stones: Workin' Wheels (Acid Project)The Rolling Stones
Workin' Wheels
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