Led Zeppelin: Snowblind (Empress Valley Supreme Disc)

Led Zeppelin



Empress Valley Supreme Disc

Catalog number:EVSD 564-566-EVSD-BONUS-1-3
Source:Soundboard recording
Packaging:Small Cardboard Boxset
Release date:2012

Led Zeppelin: Snowblind (Empress Valley Supreme Disc)
Packaging:Tri-Fold Cardboard Sleeve

1. No Quarter26:40
2. Trampled Underfoot9:21
3. Moby Dick21:50
Total duration: 57:51

1. Dazed And Confused40:17
2. Stairway To Heaven13:49
3. Whole Lotta Love8:30
4. Heartbreaker11:10
Total duration: 73:46

Led Zeppelin: Snowblind (Empress Valley Supreme Disc)
Packaging:Tri-Fold Cardboard Sleeve

NOTE:this CD is a DIGITAL CLONE of Snow Jobs CD1 by the label Empress Valley Supreme Disc.
Source:Soundboard recording
1. Rock And Roll4:11
2. Sick Again6:21
3. Over The Hills And Far Away8:44
4. In My Time Of Dying13:10
5. The Song Remains The Same5:29
6. The Rain Song9:22
7. Kashmir9:08
Total duration: 56:25

NOTE:this CD is a DIGITAL CLONE of Snow Jobs CD2 by the label Empress Valley Supreme Disc.
Source:Soundboard recording
1. No Quarter25:36
2. Trampled Underfoot9:23
3. Moby Dick22:07
Total duration: 57:06

NOTE:this CD is a DIGITAL CLONE of Snow Jobs CD3 by the label Empress Valley Supreme Disc.
Source:Soundboard recording
1. Dazed And Confused / Woodstock41:13
2. Stairway To Heaven13:33
3. Whole Lotta Love7:54
4. Black Dog6:25
Total duration: 69:05
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